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Community Building
Community Building brings residents and partners together to strengthen community connections, with the aim of reducing isolation and improving health and wellbeing. Having a sense of community unites us all and can make us feel we are a part of something greater than ourselves. A strong community enables people to stay connected, confident and encouraged. This is why it is important to continue working with each other!
Let me introduce myself,
My name is Lucy Bird and I am a Community Builder working in and around the Droitwich Spa area. I work with people to connect their interests and passions. I enjoy listening to people and collaborating with others to motivate and achieve goals! For example, I can talk to you about new ideas for your community, to connect contacts and bring people together for a cause. I am passionate about reducing loneliness and being someone that others feel they can talk to.
If you would like to chat, please contact me:
If you want to connect with people in your community, or have an idea for a new club, event or activity for your area – We are here to help!
Community Builder
What is Community Building?
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