School Health Volunteer

Action For Children - Starting Well Partnership South Worcestershire
Time Commitment
Contact Details
South Worcestershire
Long Term
About the Role
We are looking for volunteerts to support the Public Health School Nursing Teams
What does this involve:
Supporting the Hearing Screening Programme and National Childhood Measurement Programme within Schools across Worcestershire for reception aged children (4-5yrs) and year 6 children (aged 10-11 years)
Assisting the Health Care Support Workers with setting up and tidying away/cleaning the equipment after the sessions
Meeting and greeting school aged children
Collecting and returing children to and from the classrooms
Being a friendly face, reassuring the children about the procedures for having their hearing tested and height and weight measurements completed
Sitting with and reassuring the children who are waiting for their hearing test and helping to keep the room quiet for the children being tested
Williningness to work within different schools and to be able to travel independently to the schools (on ocassions)
Help at community events, distribute resources and signpost to support within the Starting Well Partnership
Skills and Qualifications
Good communication skills with children and adults
Reliable and willingness and ability to adapt to different situations
Non judgemental
Maintain confidentiality
Understand professional boundaries
Knowledge and training around safeguarding and how to escalate any concerns
In preparation for taking on the School Health Volunteer role, you will complete a 3-week induction course (3 x sessions lasting 2 hours each). This is in addition to any volunteer training processes required by the host organisation. As a new volunteer you will be volunteering alongside Health Care Support Workers who will support you.
About the Organisation
We place children, young people and families first, delivering safe high quality services that empower and enable children, young people and families to achieve their full potential.
We play an important role in supporting local families in South Worcestershire with children aged 0-19. By providing training, advice and guidance the local Action For Children Starting Well team empower families to 'nip things in the bud' early and this limits the risk of escalation. The service places an emphasis on a holistic ‘whole family’ approach that will result in long term, sustainable change.
Our work includes: Children Centre services, positive parenting courses, adult learning, support within schools and communities to engage young people with their education and work journey, and advice and guidance to young people who are not in education.